Give the Gift of Books

Books are one of my favorite gifts for children.  While overlooked, books are one of the best items one can give a child.

Children at any age can enjoy books.  And remember, books can be gifts that grow with children.  Here are a few guidelines for children's books:
Books are in constant use at home!
  • Ages 0 - 2 - Board books and feel-y books are good selections.  Select books that have large colorful pictures, few words and are simple.  
  • Ages 2 - 5 - Books that have predictable text or even picture books that children can make up their own story with developing language and imagination.
  • Ages 5 - 7 - Books that have simple text that students can start to 'read' on their own with simple sentences that match the pictures.
  • Ages 8+ - Start to introduce longer text books and introduce chapter books to children as they are ready to begin reading more.
At any age children love to be read to.  Help children to develop a love for reading by having routines that include books and reading.  This can be at bed time, before a nap, after lunch or other activities that seem like you and your child needs a break.

Point to the pictures.  Read slowly and encourage the children to start to say words as you read to your child.  I find that reading is one of the most enjoyable tasks that we do at home.

King Diaper has a bookshelf in his room complete with lots of books for him at eye level for him to pull off the shelf and enjoy at his leisure during play time.  We have built books and reading into his routine throughout the day and especially before naps and at bedtime.  It is something I look forward to as much as him.

The next time you are looking for a party or holiday gift for a child in your life, look for books.  It is something that is seldom purchased as gifts.  But, they are the best gifts that you can give to a child.

Happy Monday!