Getting back to basics with simple toys and games

Children's toys have changed significantly since my childhood.  Operation was once a high tech toy.  I'll shamelessly admit, I still love this game with the annoying buzzing sound!  Its a happy childhood memory that I love.

Battery powered and electronic toys can be fun.  But why not give it a break?  I recently bought King Diaper some new puzzles, and they require batteries.  Whatever happened to wooden puzzles that kids dump out and put back together?  I don't really feel the need for our puzzles to talk to us about the colors and shapes.  Part of it is us talking about what is going on.  Some of our favorite puzzles are the Melissa and Doug basic puzzles with large wooden pieces and knobs for easy pick up.

Our house is overstimulation central.  And, I think that my mother enjoys some of this as much as our boo!  She is eager to tell me that something has run our of battery power.  If I don't change them, she will do it for me.  I hate to be the bearer of bad news, I intentionally don't change those batteries.  With two televisions, my husband viewing You Tube, and sir mix a lot queuing up every sound driven device in the house, I'm pushed to the brink daily.  There is a reason I drive in silence much of the time.

Fisher Price Stacker
There is a lot of be said for classic games and toys!  The Fisher Price doughnut stacker is a prime example.  It costs about $6.94 and requires nothing more than a kids hand and eye coordination.  King Diaper loves it!  Target sells a Classic Infant Trio Gift Set.  It has three classic toys that would make a great gift or addition to a toy box at your house.

 Plain and simple wooden blocks offer hours of entertainment for kids.  Lincoln logs and Legos are also great.  Imagination, hand eye coordination and problem solving are all components of these toys.  And these are just easy options for fun!

If you are looking for other classics to entertain the kiddos, cards!  I spent a lot of time playing cards as a kid.  Old Maid, Go Fish, Uno were all favorites.  Even as an adult I still enjoy playing grown up card games!  I truly believe that every kid should play card games.  In the summers, we would play cards under the cool air conditioner as a break from the Mississippi heat.

One newer card game that I think is good for lots of ages is Quidler.  My aunts introduced me to this game.  Its a letter and word building game.  Each round you get one additional letter card.  The players must make a word(s) from the given cards and take a reduction in points for unused cards each hand.  This is a great summer game for the beach.  Come indoors and take a break and play a game of Quiddler.  Kids are practicing word building skills without realizing they are even doing anything learning related!

Most of all, classic toys are just pure and simple fun.  They encourage talking and interaction that many times electronic toys eliminate.  And yes, we all need a break from that.  I work in technology and believe that a break from the techie driven world is a good thing.

If you are searching for birthday party or baby shower gifts or even something to entertain this summer, keep it simple.  Use that time to talk and make happy memories.  They last a lifetime.  Many of my happiest memories are playing games with my sister, parents or aunts and cousins.  It is something we still do as grown ups and are passing on to our children.

Have a great day!