Power Protein Grits Bowl with Smokey Vinaigrette

This week I've taken a break from all things pop up camper!  It been nice to slow down, cook, workout and just be.  Even though I have loved this project, I was starting to go a little nuts.  Tonight I made a dish that had become a weekly staple at our house. After eating creamed sorghum with…

How to Keep Toys from Taking Over Your Small House

Tiny people take up a lot of space!  When we had a baby, we cleaned out entire rooms (2 bedrooms to be exact) to make room for one person.  Four years later, I feel like I'm starting to climb out from all of the clutter.  And that is a full time job! I read and article last year about rotat…

DIY Countertop Makeover for Less Than $50

It has been a busy weekend at our house.  With weather in the 70's every day, its like perfect spring days.  And we have squeezed every minute out of them! One of the things that was on the agenda for this weekend was countertops in our Pop Up Camper.  I completed this project for $42 and som…

DIY Recovering Pop Up Camper Cushions

We had to stop working on the actual camper this weekend because of freezing temps.  I was super disappointed as we were so close to getting things near finished.  Putting off that work allowed me to finish a lot of sewing. This part of our pop up camper redo is probably my favorite so far.  M…