The Splendid Stroller

Ready for our first 5K For Mother's Day, I asked for a jogging stroller.  When I was telling someone about this, the response was "I won't ever need a jogging stroller.  I don't jog."  This is probably the biggest misconception about jogging strollers.  They should proba…

Summer Herb Garden

Herbs are one of the easiest and most rewarding things one can grown.  Its also an economical way to enhance cooking.  Every time I have to purchase fresh herbs for weekly menus it costs $2 per pack. Fresh basil and dill always make me glad I went for the fresh herbs.  Dishes turn out bright an…

Memorable Birthday Dinner

I love birthday's celebrations or anything that involves cake and candles!  Since I love to cook, a homemade birthday cake is more like fun that work.  I have always enjoyed cooking and like to spend time on the weekend trying new recipes.  My husband has been a willing guinea pig for 16 yea…