Rethinking Food Choices and More with Jawbone Up 24

Meeting my goal for steps is great! Jawbone became an obsession of mine over a year ago.  I bought myself the original UP band for my 40th birthday when I was trying to get back in shape after King Diaper's arrival.  I described my mood at that point as "forty, fat and frumpy".  N…

Bluum Box Continues to Deliver!

We have continued to use Bluum Box at our house.  It is a monthly delivery that bases your box on your child's age and gender.  This month was another winner.  September's box included: September Bluum Box The Ants Go Marching Book with CD (sells for $10.29) Potty Superhero Book (sel…

The first step is always admitting...

King Diaper loves therapy! Overwhelmed is one word that describes me on most days.  This isn't related to work or my travel schedule.  I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only mother to ever feel this way and am not professing anything new really. Let me preface everything that I'…

Pint Sized Productions

We love books at our house.  I can't tell you how many times I've read Good Night Moon or Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.  And we are gonna keep on reading.  I'll have them memorized sooner or later.  It is the best part of my day. King Diaper's birthday book Recently, I came acros…