February Health and Fitness Update

I love my new scale.  Works well and looks great too! During this season of Lent, many congregants have given up sugar and sweets or soft drinks.  I've given up both in previous years.  I've even given up cheese for Lent.  I suppose that I could revisit any of those sacrifices, but I&#…

Spring Gear Guide

After what seemed like endless winter days and waiting for warmer weather, spring is finally here!  I am over the moon excited about the change in season.  Even more so, I am thrilled for all of the trips that we have planned ahead this year.  Are you ready?  Now is the time to take stock of …

How to Monetize Your Blog

So you have a blog.  You have content that you are publishing and readers that are following along.  If you want to turn your hobby into more than an interest, how can you actually make some money while doing what you love?  You can monetize your site!