Spring Camping in the Deep South - Buccaneer State Park

Campground evenings at Buccaneer State Park are magical. There is something that I just love about the woods and beaches.  When these two landscapes meet up, it creates a magical medley.  Both are relaxing and calming.  Anytime I can camp with both, I am in heaven.  Buccaneer State Park in Wa…

Springtime Vibes - A Camping Playlist for Your Next Adventure

When I was in college, there was lots of music at parties and in the background of dinners and hanging out.  One night, I can remember a big group of us having a pancake dinner around my grandmother's table in the small kitchen of my small apartment.  It was a dinner lit with candles and wax…

February Health and Fitness Update

I love my new scale.  Works well and looks great too! During this season of Lent, many congregants have given up sugar and sweets or soft drinks.  I've given up both in previous years.  I've even given up cheese for Lent.  I suppose that I could revisit any of those sacrifices, but I&#…