Portable Camping and Hiking Snacks

Traditional camping foods tend to be chips and sandwiches or burgers.  I see photographs of campers that swear by fluffer nutter sandwiches as a campsite staple.  I'm not chastising any of these habits or traditions.  I won't lie.  I love a s'more.  (Insert me saying "sa-more he…

DeSoto State Park - Plan for the Active Life

Our friend Paulette decorated our Easter table Sunday morning! Growing up, Easter weekends were a flurry of activities.  My sister and I always donned new dresses at an early sunrise service.  Today, my own family has started to participate in Easter festivities at home leading up to and during…

3 Workouts I'm Loving Right Now

This is my work out view on many mornings at home.  It makes for a nice way to start the day. Over my life, I've participated in a variety of exercise options and classes.  I've had a personal trainer.  Boot Camp Classes were once something I loved.  Gym memberships were a regular part …