Why vacation work outs are the best

Bike trail while in Three Forks, Montana I have planned for working out while traveling for as long as I can remember.  Over the years, I have learned that these are the best work outs.  Most people are inclined to think that time off means time off.  And yes that is true, but vacation work out…

Break the Ice with Swim Lessons

First night of swim lessons My mother doesn't know how to swim.  I suppose this is what drove her to sign my sister and I up for swim lessons in the summer.  I was afraid of the water and didn't want to do it.  I would sit on the side of the pool with my back to the water in my silent, …

Surviving Air Travel with Little Ones

Enjoying our first day in Montana after a good night's rest! We have done lots of little road trips with King Diaper, but air travel is new territory for us.  I travel more solo for work.  Incorporating both my guys into a trip is an adjustment to say the least.  However, I think that trave…

30 Day Fitness Challenges

These are the exercises from the 30 day ab challenge! Having a fitness goal is something that keeps me going!  I like to have something to work on that breaks up the routine.  During the month of June, I did the 30 Day Ab Challenge .  This is the fitness challenge went viral on Facebook.  It wa…