Mini-mergency Kit - What's in Yours?

I like to plan for the every day "emergencies".  No I'm not a pessimist.  Exactly the opposite.  Call it my plan for daily success. Having a kit on hand this kind of thing is essential to anyone who travels.  And, this is not exclusive to moms or working women. I have a little cos…

Getting back to basics with simple toys and games

Children's toys have changed significantly since my childhood.  Operation was once a high tech toy.  I'll shamelessly admit, I still love this game with the annoying buzzing sound!  Its a happy childhood memory that I love. Battery powered and electronic toys can be fun.  But why not give…

Create Your Own Family Traditions

Family traditions come in all sorts.  We are a rather active bunch at our house.  More from my prodding than anything else. As the weather has warmed, we have enjoyed going to the local community market on Saturday mornings.  We can pick up our local bread, jams/jellies and produce each week.  It…

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Meyer Lemons Lemons are a favorite of mine.  I love anything with lemon flavor.  Lemons make dressings, drinks and desserts wonderful.  Myer Lemons are my most favorite.  When I see them at the market, its something that I can't pass.  I first fell in love with them when trying out a recipe…